Monday, March 6, 2017

Vulcanized O-Rings from The O-Ring Store

Example of a 1/2" cross-section being vulcanized.
A vulcanized O-Ring is an O-Ring made from vulcanized O-Ring cord stock. The vulcanization process creates a strong and durable bond, making it suitable for a variety of applications. Vulcanized O-Rings are a more readily available and cost effective solution to having large custom molded O-Rings made. The O-Ring Store stocks and is tooled to vulcanize many cross-sections in both metric and standard sizes.  Vulcanized O-Rings are available 6 inches (150mm) inside diameter and above from The O-Ring Store.
When to consider a vulcanized O-Ring:
  • When the size you need is unavailable or has a long lead time.
  • When the O-Ring you need is too large to be molded.
  • When factory minimum is too high.
  • Test or prototype quantity on a large size you would like to test before ordering a production quantity.
  • When your cross-section is unavailable in a molded O-Ring.
  • Large diameter O-Rings or large cross-sections O-Rings.
Available Materials for Vulcanized O-Rings:
Link to vulcanized O-Rings: Vulcanized O-Rings

1 comment:

  1. O-rings made of Fluorosilicone are generally used in chemical applications.Fluorosilicone is the common name for fluorovinylmethyl silicone rubber.
